> 春节2024 > 过年还能回来上班吗英文





Hi, David! It\'s currently our New Year holiday, and we will resume work on February 16th. I will verify the information for you and send it via email.


The phrase \"回家过年\" can be translated as \"go back home for Spring Festival.\"

春节已经过去了,英文,可不可以说“Spring Festival has been over”?

Instead of saying \"Spring Festival has been over,\" it is more appropriate to use \"Spring Festival has gone.\" The usage of \"has gone\" indicates that the festival has passed, without implying any passive involvement. However, it should be noted that Spring Festival is not just a single day but a period of time.


In this context, \"you\" refers to foreign boys and girls. It is a simplified translation that can be understood as \"foreign friends.\" This is a common way of speaking in informal English. It is used to address a group of people, similar to the use of \"you all\" or \"you guys\" in some dialects.


There is no denying the fact that it is a hotly debated topic today about whether we should return home for Spring Festival or not. Some argue that it is important to gather with family and celebrate the traditional festival together, while others believe that it might be more practical to stay where they are due to work or other commitments.


The translation for the sentence \"所以我们在这之后正常上课\" could be \"We will resume regular classes after this.\" It implies that after a certain event or period, classes will go back to their normal schedule.


To have a joyful and peaceful Spring Festival, we need your cooperation to ensure a safe and happy celebration. Let\'s work together towards this goal.


Here are the English words for some traditional Chinese festivals: Spring Festival (春节), Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节), Dragon Boat Festival (端午节), and Double Seventh Festival (七夕节).


\"La primavera è la mia festa preferita, perché ci siamo riuniti insieme la famiglia. Capodanno cinese p...\" This text is written in Italian, not English. Unfortunately, I could not find the English translation for it.


The previous translation provided has several grammatical and vocabulary errors. To express the same idea correctly, it could be translated as: \"As the Spring Festival approaches, we extend our best wishes and offer our full support. In the new year, we look forward to further cooperation with your esteemed company in our sales business.\"